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Section 3: Megatrends

This section discusses three critical megatrends that will significantly impact the consumer and retail sector throughout 2024. It explores the transformative impact of sustainability, the advancements in generative AI, and the evolving geopolitical landscape. Retail brands and manufacturers must pay close attention to the following areas as each trend presents unique challenges, but also opportunities for innovation and strategic growth.


Trend 1: Sustainability

The transition towards sustainability within the consumer and retail sector is both a monumental challenge and a pressing necessity. The industry finds itself at a critical juncture – implementing sustainable solutions is no longer optional. It is imperative for remaining relevant from both a consumer and investor perspective as major economies work towards net zero targets by 2050 and green practices become minimum expectations.

This transition is primarily driven by education, especially among younger demographics who are increasingly aligning their spending habits with greater environmental and ethical standards. In this respect, younger consumers outperform their older counterparts in exhibiting behaviours addressing environmental damage associated with over-consumption. For example, they generally demonstrate greater willingness to support brands that prioritise eco-friendly products and services, signalling a macro-shift towards more sustainable outcomes.

However, the journey towards sustainability is fraught with challenges. These include overcoming hurdles associated with ‘greenwashing’, understanding emissions across the entire supply chain, and addressing the necessary financial and technological investment to make tangible impacts.


The intention-behvaiour gap:

From an operational point of view, tackling sustainability challenges often involves:

  • Investing in renewable energy and low-carbon technologies
  • Innovation in product development
  • Reducing packaging and waste
  • Engaging different manufacturers and suppliers with improved sustainability credentials
  • Partnering with brands operating with transparent practices
  • Exploring re-commerce opportunities
  • Creating sustainable initiatives and schemes
  • Knowledge sharing and best practices

Sustainability concerns vary across sectors, with consumers exhibiting the greatest concern for essentials such as energy, food and waste, compared to retail. The frequency and visibility of essential day-to-day purchases drives consumer engagement in this regard. However, while consumers perceive retail spending as an area where businesses demonstrate commitment to sustainability practices, habitual decisions, such as those related to holidays, do not elicit the same level of ethical consideration. This discrepancy may also stem from the indirect repercussions of different actions.



Acting and purchasing sustainably often involves greater spend and inconvenience. This is where an ‘intention-behaviour gap’ arises. Factors such as cost, convenience, and lack of information often hinder consumers’ ability to make environmentally friendly choices, despite good intent.

In response, businesses are exploring ways to bridge this gap. They are improving operational sustainability and offering products and services without compromising on affordability or accessibility.

As the consumer and retail sector continues to navigate the sustainability landscape, the role of businesses in driving change becomes increasingly clear. By aligning with consumer values, investing in sustainable practices, and transparently communicating their efforts, retailers and consumer brands can contribute to a more sustainable future while also securing their place in the evolving market landscape.

Governments are increasingly subject to binding and evolving emission reduction commitments which are translating into the imposition of more onerous and cross-cutting legislation and policy on the private sector.

ESG and sustainability regulation and policy has ratcheted to unprecedented levels over the last three-five years, particularly in the EU. A number of laws such as the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and the deforestation free products regulation are influencing global markets, whilst the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive creates extra-territorial obligations. Although many laws have already passed, many are pending or yet to take effect, so all those affected will need to coherently identify and proactively navigate significant changes.

Particular trends emerge around transparency and accountability, including corporate sustainability reporting and disclosure requirements, anti-greenwashing measures, supply chain due diligence, and effective and dissuasive enforcement and novel complaints mechanisms. In the environment, product stewardship/safety and chemicals space, the circular economy drive has introduced new and more comprehensive subject matter specific requirements. This includes: plastics, packaging, waste, extended producer responsibility (including WEEE and batteries), critical and rare resources and materials, and product circularity in design, as well as measures aimed at protecting the environment and human health and safety, including around biodiversity, genetic resources, sustainable chemicals, and anti-deforestation. This is in addition to already well-entrenched legislation and policy around carbon and emissions.

The consumer and retail sector is likely to feel the impacts and pressure from this agenda most acutely, and will need to consider the short and long term impacts alongside mitigation and preparedness, and possible diversification strategies.




The retail sector is moving through a transformative era marked by significant macroeconomic challenges, rapid digital evolution, and an escalating commitment to sustainability.

Evolving cost of living pressures that engulf aspirational Millennials means key spending groups are vulnerable to cutting back in 2024, but less so than in 2023. The resilience of the labour market, including earnings growth as well as fiscal incentives announced by the government ahead of an election, will be key factors shaping willingness to spend in the second half of 2024, and ultimately the pace at which tight monetary policy eases.

For now, consumers and businesses alike need to adapt to higher borrowing costs. The operating environment for businesses remains harsh amid heightened labour costs, business rates and utilities, meaning cost management is a key strategy for the year ahead.

The challenge here is that businesses must continue to adapt and evolve to the latest trends. This includes investment in emerging AI technology and sustainability to maintain relevance with younger consumers who are becoming more commercially significant. For many, AI implementation can support better cost control, sustainable practices and personalised experiences that engage shoppers across channels.

In 2024, successful strategies will also centre around cost control, technology investment, and having flexibility in budgets and resources to adapt to the evolving backdrop. Many opportunities will emerge, and businesses must be sufficiently agile to capitalise on dynamic conditions, ensuring resilience and growth in a rapidly changing retail environment.



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About this report

This "Taking Stock - What's in store for UK retail and consumer" is published by Retail Economics in partnership with CMS.

The insight contained is critical for industry professionals operating in the retail and retail related industries for improving strategic planning, forecasts and to navigate the ongoing disruption and wider structural changes with the retail sector.

Complete the form at the top of this page now to secure your free copy. 




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