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Retail Economic News Archive

ONS Labour Market July 2020

16 July 2020

The latest labour market data from the ONS shows that job vacancies are at a record low at a time when payroll work continues to fall, with signs of inactivity rising. The latest data covers the pe...

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Visa Consumer Spending Index June 2020

16 July 2020

Visa’s UK overall expenditure fell by 6.5% year-on-year in June – a marked improvement on the 19.9% decline in May and the strongest performance since February. This was predominantly d...

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GDP Monthly Estimate: May 2020

14 July 2020

UK gross domestic product (GDP) fell 19.1% in the three months to May 2020, capturing the direct impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The services sector fell by 18.9%, production by 15.5% and const...

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GfK Consumer Confidence - Flash report

03 July 2020

The fourth flash report by GfK on the impact of Covid-19 on consumer confidence (survey period 18th-26th June) showed tentative signs of an improvement, with the overall measure rising three points...

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ONS Retail Sales May 2020

19 June 2020

The pressure of the coronavirus crisis on the retail sector somewhat eased in May according to the latest data from the ONS. Retail sales (value, non-seasonally adjusted, excluding fuel) declined b...

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Visa Consumer Spending Index May 2020

19 June 2020

Visa's UK Consumer Spending Index also eased on record declines, with spending volumes down by 19.9% in May compared to 27.8% in April. Face-to-face spending plummeted 33.3% in May as...

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ONS Labour Market Overview June 2020

16 June 2020

The latest data from the ONS gives an indication of the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the labour market. Although the UK unemployment rate was broadly unchanged in the three months to April,...

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GDP Monthly Estimate: April 2020

12 June 2020

UK gross domestic product (GDP) fell 10.4% in the three months to April 2020, capturing the direct impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The services sector fell by 9.9%, production by 9.5% and const...

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Halifax House Price Index May 2020

05 June 2020

House prices continued to lose momentum following a strong start to the year, according to the latest data from Halifax. House price growth eased marginally to 2.6% year-on-year, but decl...

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GfK Consumer Confidence - Flash report

05 June 2020

The third flash report by GfK on the impact of Covid-19 on consumer confidence (survey period 20th-26th May) saw a two-point fall to -36 compared with the previous two weeks. Within the index, four...

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ONS Labour Market Overview May 2020

19 May 2020

The UK employment rate remained at a joint record high in the three months to March according to the latest ONS data. But early estimates for April suggest an unsurprisingly softer outlook for the...

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