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Retail Economic News Archive

UK Labour Market August 2019 (ONS)

13 August 2019

The latest labour market data from the ONS shows the number of people in work continued to increase in the three months to June, while the number of people aged from 16 to 64 years old that are eit...

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GDP Q2 2019 preliminary estimate

09 August 2019

GDP contracted by 0.2% in Q2 2019 compared to the previous quarter – the first decline in six and a half years – as the economy came under pressure from Brexit uncertainty, car plant sh...

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GfK Consumer Confidence: July 2019

31 July 2019

GfK’s Consumer Confidence measure edged up two points in the month to -11 in July, which is one point lower than a year ago. Four out of five components in the measure improved in the month,...

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UK Labour Market June 2019 (ONS)

16 July 2019

The latest labour market data from the ONS showed the number of people in work continued to increase in the three months to May, while the number of unemployed people and the number of people aged...

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GDP Monthly estimate May 2019

10 July 2019

UK gross domestic product (GDP) returned to growth in May, up by 0.3% month-on-month, as production picked up again. The bounce back followed the temporary shutdown of car factories ahead of the UK...

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GDP Q1 2019 final estimate

03 July 2019

GDP rose by 0.5% in Q1 2019 from the previous quarter, unrevised from the previous estimate. This followed a 0.2% rise in Q4 2018. Compared with the same quarter a year ago, the UK econom...

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Halifax House Price Index May 19

13 June 2019

House price growth continued to accelerate in May according to the latest data from the Halifax, up 5.2% (quarterly, non-seasonally adjusted, year-on-year). This is against a weak comparison a year...

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